microcosm, summer 2010

This is to be an exhibition about the unused spaces in London.  The space between railway platforms and back gardens, empty lots filled with rubbish, weed-infested verges running next to pedestrian walkways; the spaces that cause irritation, discomfort or indifference, which we no longer “see”.

This is also to be an exhibition about the word “unused”.  Because whilst those aforementioned spaces are unused by us, they are busily being used by insects, rodents, and plants.  Further down the invisibility scale, there are microorganisms and bacteria.

In being about both, this exhibition is about the coexistence of different scales:  the different microcosms, ours, the insects’, the bacteria’s… and the scale of time, ours, the plants’, climatic…

scroll right for in situ images of projects;
to download "how to run a public guerilla art project?" as pdf please click <here> (2.9mb)

Our 3rd and last project is "Architecture of Decay" with Bram Thomas Arnold.

Bram Thomas Arnold creates a narrative installation, beginning with the harvesting of abandoned debris, which would be annotated with where they were found, under what conditions, and other relevant details.  The debris would be used to construct an architectural build.  It would be a sculpture that maps the local area, drawn in the materials we leave behind for others to use, other people, other places, other animals and organisms. Something that describes itself and its surroundings, absorbed in the minor details of this particular microcosm of London.

2 Sep 2010 -
Shepherdess Walk & City Road corner
images & press release, scroll right

Bram Thomas Arnold at AUGUST art Bram Thomas Arnold at AUGUST art Bram Thomas Arnold at AUGUST art
Chronology of installation:
1000 installation
1030 arrival of property owner
1500 removal of installation
1600 posting of failed installation notice

Bram Thomas Arnold's
"Architecture of Decay"
<press release>

Failed installation <notice>

2nd project, Noa Edwards, continues to the right


In the second of our series “microcosm” on unseen public spaces, we explore scale within the urban experience with artist Noa Edwards, "Between Surfaces".

Her work is an intervention in the city which operates between different scales.  The artist has cast plaster to fill pot holes in the street and pavement.  Each element is small enough to be taken in at a glance.  The insertions are disposed over an area; collectively they must be read over the course of a 1 minute walk.  The castings are etched with different images of the sky: a concentration of the infinite possibilities of the one sky.  Connecting the ground and the sky, they are between surfaces. 

5 August 2010 -
Baldwin Terrace & adjacent towpath on Regent's Canal

Images in situ & press release, scroll right

1st project, Liam Herne, continues afterwards

Noa Edwards Noa Edwards Noa Edwards Noa Edwards
Noa Edward's
"Between surfaces"
<press release>

The first project was Liam Herne’s "Emergency Shelter", an installation of emergency tents in an Islington park and the junction of 2 thorough fares.  The artist offered the tents as urban shelters for ad-hoc users of the park, for those of us caught by a sudden rain shower, fatigue or a general need of temporary privacy.  The project opened July 16 until the tents were gone.

Shoreditch Park, south west,
New North Road

Junction City Road & East Road

images in situ & press release, scroll right

Liam Herne AUGUST art Liam Herne AUGUST art Liam Herne AUGUST art Liam Herne AUGUST art
Liam Herne's
"Emergency Shelter"
<press release>